- 12. maj 2016
From Foundation Up
Middelvej 9, Vangede EN // d-ark has been commissioned to draw a new 1. floor for this traditional Danish family house outside Copenhagen...
- 5. maj 2016
Kitchen & Terrace unity
Sortemosevej 137, Herlev EN // d-ark have just handed in a sketch proposal for terrace, ground floor and 1st floor renovation on...
- 2. mar. 2016
IKEA - game changer
EN // The news of IKEA possible switching to mushroom packaging could very well be a game changer for the packaging industry. Ecovative...
- 18. feb. 2016
Revit & Renovation
Elsevej 7, Værløse EN // First Revit project is drawing is coming to its end. So far I am quite pleased with how it turned out. Facade...
- 18. jan. 2016
Roskilde Municipality // RoskildeKommune
EN // d-ark and Roskilde Municipality has partnered in project regarding home improvements. DA // d-ark og Roskilde Kommune har indgået...
- 5. jan. 2016
Vice Chairman // Næstformand
EN // I am proud to announce that I was elected Vice Chairman at the NGO CreadlePeople in January. Our main objectives are circular...
- 3. dec. 2015
Strandvejen 130C, Hellerup
EN // New storefront completed in Hellerup. Designed by d-ark on behalf of novaform architects. DA // Ny butiksfacade færdigjort i...
- 8. sep. 2015
Box on Box
Agertoften 23, Vangede EN // d-ark and novaform is designing a 35m2 addition to this bungalow. The design proposal is due late september....
- 1. sep. 2015
Front & Side building Roof Restoration
Sølvgade 34, Copenhagen K // København K EN // d-ark is supervising the roof restoration of the listed Front and Side house of Sölvgade...